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ISO 9001:2015

Has your organization transitioned to ISO 9001:2015?

ISO 9001:2015 was voted in in September 2015.  Therefore all organizations with existing ISO 9000 certificate have to transition to ISO 9001:2015.  ISO 9001:2008 will not be valid starting from September 2018.


BC Consult encourages all existing clients to make changes to adapt to ISO 9001:2015.  We conduct workshops to help you make the changes.

ISO 14001 EMS



The ISO 14001 Environment Management System is a way for the organization to ensure that its operations not only make the least environmental damage but also improve the environment.  Originally this standard was a requirement among industries thought to have a significant effect on the environment.  More recently it has been adopted by conscientious corporations eager to control carbon footprint and gaining tax advantage from the implementation.

OHSAS 18001



Occupational health and safety is important in all industries. The OHSAS 18001 system ensures that workplaces have sufficient occupational health and safety measures and that these measures are updated.


Halal Certification



The halal certification is a sign that the ingredients and processes taken to produce certain food, cosmetic or pharmaceutical items are checked and deemed to be in line with islamic rules. This certification is facing increasing demand due to greater mobility and wealth among muslims worldwide.

Manufacturers and distributors of food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics gearing for international markets are advised to seek halal certification.




GMP is a system for ensuring hygienic process and is a requirement for food products targeting hypermarkets.

Food items are subject to chemical, physical and biological hazards which may deem the food unsafe.


HACCP System goes further by controlling the chemical, physical and biological hazards which the food is subject to. HACCP is important for export standard food products because it breaks down export barriers.






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